
You can get in touch by:

Telephone: 01179566914 | SMS only: 07680064163 | Email: | Via our Facebook Page

We will remind you of your next appointment either personally by telephone or via our computerised messaging system to your mobile phone or email address -  the choice is yours.


To make an appointment please call 01179 566 914 or email : - including your name, contact number and nature of enquiry - we will get back to you asap - normally within 24 hours.

New Patient Consultation

At this visit we will make recordings of the condition of your teeth and gums, usually with x-rays and digital pictures, to give us a thorough knowledge and understanding of the state of oral health. We also look at your bite and the health of the skin in your mouth. We will also ask you to fill out a comprehensive medical history to ensure that any treatment you receive will not interfere with any medicines you may be taking. We will discuss with you any treatment required, give you all the options and provide a full written treatment plan together with details of costs.


If we are to help you, it is absolutely essential to know what is going on in areas difficult to see directly. As a health precaution we advocate that x-rays taken are kept to a minimal amount clinically necessary. We use a state of the art digital computerised x-ray system for inta-oral x-rays add extra-oral xrays. This gives immediate results and reduces the dose of x-rays by 90% over conventional films. We carefully follow the current national guidlines for dental radiography and our x-ray equipment is regularly tested. The health and safety of our patients is a priority.

Cancer Screening

At your initial and regular visits, we will carefully examine your mouth and surrounding areas for early cancer. Many other conditions show signs in the mouth and this can be a good early warning system so that referal can be made to a specialist and treatment commence as early as possible.

Appointment Policy

We always try to keep to time with our appointments, but if you are kept waiting, please be patient, there is usually a good reason - perhaps we are seeing an emergency patient who is in pain. We will always keep our patients who are waiting for an appointment updated on their appointment status.

Missed Appointments

Unless there are special circumstances, we reserve the right to charge for missed appointments or cancellations with less than 24 hours notice.

In an Emergency


If you have a problem or need advice during surgery hours, please telephone the practice for assistance - 01179 566 914.


For emergency arrangements during evenings, week-ends or when the practice is closed for annual leave, please see below or follow our guidance on the practice answerphone .


If you feel you need to speak to or see a dentist when we are unavailable, arrangements are in place for all registered patients to have access to "the 247 dentist" emergency service. Please click on the link below or call 03301 759995   For Denplan patients with supplementary insurance cover, please advise them of this when you call or book an appointment.

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